ESAAL Political Action Committee (PAC)

What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?  Although not defined in the NYS Election Law, a PAC is considered any political committee that supports candidates or other political committees by making contributions only (PACs do not make direct expenditures on behalf of candidates).

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Fast facts on ESAAL PAC

  • ESAAL PAC is the Empire State Association of Assisted Living bipartisan political action committee, the purpose of which is to contribute to candidates seeking elective office who support the public policies and programmatic goals of ESAAL as developed by ESAAL’s Board of Directors on behalf of its members.
  • ESAAL PAC can receive individual contributions and PAC contributions. In New York,  a contributor may be an individual, a corporation, limited liability company (LLC/PLLC), among other entities.
    • A corporation may contribute up to $5,000 in a calendar year. Each affiliated or subsidiary corporation, if a separate legal entity, has its own limit.
    • An LLC/PLLC may contribute up to $5,000 in a calendar year. All contributions made to a campaign or political committee by an LLC/PLLC shall be attributed to each member of the LLC/PLLC in proportion to the member's ownership interest in the company. Attribution is required from the first dollar.
    • In addition, according to state regulations, LLC’s must provide information including the name of all partners, their home address and their % of ownership in the company.
    • An Individual may contribute up to a total of $5,000 in a calendar year to a PAC. 
  • The funds raised are pooled and used as political contributions to incumbents or candidates. ESAAL PAC contributes to candidates within the NYS Assembly and Senate who are supportive of ESAAL and our member facilities
  • Contributions to ESAAL PAC are not deductible for state or federal tax purposes.

Why contribute to ESAAL PAC?

NYS Adult Homes and Assisted Living Residences are directly impacted by laws developed by elected officials. Every year, the state legislature spends months considering proposed legislation that could affect our businesses’ bottom lines. The contributions made by ESAAL PAC support candidates who are knowledgeable about and supportive of the care and services provided by our industry to seniors throughout New York.

Who decides which candidates should receive ESAAL PAC financial support?

Members of the ESAAL PAC Committee make the final decision on candidate contributions. The Board will solicit recommendations from ESAAL members in selecting which candidates will receive PAC contributions.

What if I choose not to contribute at this time?

That is your choice. Election laws state that you cannot be coerced to participate. However, the earlier you contribute, the earlier ESAAL PAC can support business advocates. Waiting until it is too late in the campaign season increases the chances of being outspent by the opposition.

How will I know what happens to my contribution?

It is important to note that the contributions ESAAL PAC makes are not secret. The ESAAL PAC must make reports regarding receipt and expenditures on forms prescribed by the NY State. PAC contributions are made available to ESAAL members on request

Can I claim an income tax credit or deduction for my contribution?

No. Political contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income taxes.

What if I already give directly to candidates?

That is great-you should! But you should also give to ESAAL PAC. ESAAL PAC represents the unified voice of ACF/Assisted Living in NY. The pooling of contributions from many supportive ESAAL provider members allows ESAAL PAC to make one large contribution to a candidate on behalf of the ESAAL membership, in other words, it provides more “bang for the buck.”

Will you give it to a political party I don’t support?

ESAAL PAC is a bipartisan political action committee, and the ESAAL membership is active in both political parties. ESAAL PAC does not support candidates just because of their party affiliation. The PAC considers the integrity and character of the candidate; his/her leadership position and committee assignment; demonstrated interest in and support for ACF/Assisted Living issues.

Do ESAAL Membership dues pay for ESAAL PAC?

No. By law, ESAAL membership dues cannot contribute for you. ACF/Assisted Living leaders must make all political contributions voluntary. ESAAL membership dues support the associations lobbying activities.

Donate to ESAAL's PAC