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ACF Regulatory Training
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: ACF Regulatory Training

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Class dates:Thur 2/13, Tues 2/18, Thur 2/20, Tues 2/25, Thur 2/27, Tues 3/4, Tues 3/11, Thur 3/13, Tues 3/18, Thur 3/20, Tues 3/25, Thur 3/27

2:00pm - 4:00pm

This online training program is presented using the NYSDOH ACF/ALR regulations as the core to all learning. This approach fosters an understanding of the regulations, as well as DOH expectations, historical interpretations and industry trends. The program is designed to provide key personnel in the Adult Care Industry of New York State with essential information that lends itself to effective operations, quality resident care, and regulatory compliance. The program is divided into specific modules that will focus on some of the most essential areas of NYSDOH licensure, regulatory compliance, oversight and surveillance, case management, and operations.
The content presented in this training is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor is it a guarantee of future DOH interpretations. It is, however, based upon current promulgated regulations, historical DOH interpretations, industry best practices, and many years of professional experience in regulatory compliance and operational oversight.

Registration Coming Soon!

Registration is open to ESAAL Members & Non-Members.  

Cost: $999.  ESAAL member discounted rate: $899

Click Here to Register

Contact: Cara Groff, CMP, Event Coordinator